Types of Work Visas in Kuwait
Kuwait offers several different types of visas that depend on the visitor’s entry requirements, length of stay, and trip purpose. The available options include:
Mengirimkan aplikasi Visa Kuwait Untuk Indonesia
Selanjutnya setelah mengisi formulir aplikasi visa, melampirkan dokumen yang di perlukan, dan membayar biaya aplikasi visa, langkah selanjutnya adalah mengirimkan aplikasi visa. Maka berikut adalah langkah-langkah untuk mengirimkan aplikasi visa:
Kemudian pastikan untuk mengecek persyaratan pengiriman aplikasi visa sebelum mengirimkannya.
Maka persyaratan pengiriman bisa berbeda-beda tergantung pada kedutaan besar atau agen visa yang sah.
Kemudian kamu bisa mengirimkan aplikasi visa dan dokumen yang di butuhkan ke kedutaan besar Kuwait atau agen visa yang sah melalui pos atau layanan kurir yang terpercaya.
Sehingga pastikan untuk mengecek alamat pengiriman yang benar dan juga lengkap.
Selanjutnya setelah mengirimkan aplikasi visa, kamu harus menunggu proses pemrosesan visa selesai.
Proses pemrosesan visa bisa memakan waktu beberapa hari hingga beberapa minggu tergantung pada jenis visa yang kamu ajukan dan juga waktu yang di butuhkan untuk verifikasi dokumen.
Maka pastikan untuk selalu memperhatikan setiap detail pada formulir aplikasi visa dan juga dokumen yang kamu lampirkan untuk menghindari kesalahan yang dapat menghambat proses aplikasi visa. Sehingga jangan lupa untuk selalu memeriksa status aplikasi visa secara berkala dan juga menghubungi Kedutaan Besar Kuwait atau agen visa yang sah jika ada pertanyaan atau masalah dengan aplikasi visa kamu. Baca Juga: Syarat Visa Kunjungan Ke Brazil Harus Lengkap Supaya Berhasil
Maka berikut adalah rincian biaya aplikasi visa Kuwait untuk warga negara Indonesia:
Kemudian, visa Kunjungan untuk tinggal 14 hari: 3 Kuwaiti Dinar (sekitar 125 ribu Rupiah)
Dan juga, visa Kunjungan untuk tinggal 30 hari: 10 Kuwaiti Dinar (sekitar 418 ribu Rupiah)
Biaya aplikasi visa kerja adalah 35 Kuwaiti Dinar (sekitar 1,4 juta Rupiah).
Dan juga biaya aplikasi visa belajar adalah 25 Kuwaiti Dinar (sekitar 1 juta Rupiah).
Harap di catat bahwa biaya visa dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya. Sehingga pastikan untuk selalu memeriksa biaya terbaru sebelum mengajukan aplikasi visa dan juga mempersiapkan uang yang cukup untuk membayar biaya visa yang di butuhkan. Selain biaya aplikasi visa, kamu juga perlu mempersiapkan dana untuk biaya perjalanan, akomodasi, dan juga keperluan lainnya selama tinggal di Kuwait.
Lama waktu pemrosesan Visa Kuwait Untuk Indonesia
Lama waktu pemrosesan visa Kuwait bervariasi tergantung pada jenis visa dan volume aplikasi yang di terima oleh Kedutaan Besar Kuwait atau agen visa yang sah. Maka berikut ini adalah perkiraan waktu pemrosesan visa untuk warga negara Indonesia:
Selanjutnya, visa Kunjungan untuk tinggal 14 hari: sekitar 3-5 hari kerja
Kemudian, visa Kunjungan untuk tinggal 30 hari: sekitar 7-10 hari kerja
Lama waktu pemrosesan visa kerja sekitar 2-4 minggu.
Dan juga lama waktu pemrosesan visa belajar sekitar 2-4 minggu.
Pastikan untuk mengajukan aplikasi visa dengan waktu yang cukup sebelum rencana keberangkatan agar kamu memiliki cukup waktu untuk menyelesaikan proses aplikasi visa. Sehingga selalu periksa status aplikasi visa secara berkala dan juga jika terjadi keterlambatan dalam proses pemrosesan. Maka kamu dapat menghubungi Kedutaan Besar Kuwait atau agen visa yang sah untuk memperoleh informasi yang lebih akurat.
Cara kirim dokumen biro jasa pengurusan visa bisa melalui : JNE, TIKI, DHL Kantor pos atau Gojek dan Grab. Setelah dokumen sampai ke PT Jangkar Global Groups maka staff kami akan memberitahukan kepada anda . Bahwa paket sudah di terima dengan baik dan langsung di proses sesuai dengan keinginan client.
PT Jangkar Global Groups adalah Perusahaan Provider Visa yang siap membantu anda.
Telp kantor : +622122008353 dan +622122986852
Pengaduan Pelanggan : +6287727688883
Google Maps : PT Jangkar Global Groups
Izin masuk ke Negara Kuwait berbeda-beda sesuai dengan tujuan kunjungan. Perlu dicatat bahwa pemerintah Kuwait telah membuat kategori izin baru, yaitu izin masuk untuk melakukan kegiatan olahraga, budaya, dan sosial. Izin ini dikeluarkan melalui Administrasi Umum Kependudukan sesuai dengan permintaan yang diajukan oleh lembaga olahraga, klub, badan atau asosiasi sosial dan budaya di negara tersebut. Pemerintah juga telah menetapkan masa berlaku setiap izin, syarat-syarat yang harus dipenuhi untuk memperolehnya, biayanya, dan rincian terkait lainnya.
Jenis visa masuk untuk Kuwait
1. Visa masuk untuk melakukan kegiatan olah raga, budaya dan sosial:
- Dikeluarkan melalui Administrasi Umum Kependudukan.
- Lamaran diajukan melalui lembaga olahraga, budaya dan sosial di negara tersebut.
Lama tinggal dan syarat-syarat yang dibutuhkan ditentukan dengan jelas oleh pemerintah.
- Memungkinkan Anda mengunjungi Kuwait hingga tiga bulan.
- Lamaran diajukan melalui kedutaan Kuwait di luar negeri.
- Kunjungan diperbolehkan oleh kerabat yang tinggal di Kuwait atau perusahaan.
- Memungkinkan kehadiran di bisnis, konferensi dan kunjungan keluarga.
- Memungkinkan penduduk tetap untuk tinggal dan bekerja di Kuwait.
- Dibagi menjadi beberapa klasifikasi, seperti kunjungan keluarga, pekerjaan, dan pekerja rumah tangga.
- Dikeluarkan bagi mereka yang ingin menyeberang dari Kuwait ke negara lain.
- Berlaku untuk jangka waktu maksimal tujuh hari, dan disampaikan secara online.
1. Harga visa Kuwait berbeda-beda sesuai kesepakatan antara pekerja dan sponsor.
2. Dalam banyak kasus, harga visa di Kuwait mencapai $8,000 atau lebih.
3. Harga visa kerja reguler di Kuwait adalah 2.000 dolar AS per visa, dengan ketentuan pekerja tersebut bekerja untuk sponsornya hanya sejak tanggal masuknya ke Kuwait hingga tanggal keberangkatannya.
Persyaratan visa masuk ke Kuwait
1. Masa berlaku izin tinggal tidak boleh kurang dari enam bulan sejak pengajuan permohonan kunjungan.
2. Saat mengajukan permintaan kunjungan untuk semua pendamping, salinan tempat tinggal Gulf sponsor harus dikirimkan.
3. Pemohon harus didampingi oleh pendamping.
4. Pemohon harus bekerja pada salah satu profesi berikut: (Dokter dan apoteker - Pengacara - Insinyur - Konsultan - Hakim dan anggota Jaksa Penuntut Umum - Profesor - Jurnalis dan profesional media - Pilot - Analis sistem dan pemrogram komputer - Manajer - Pengusaha - Anggota korps diplomatik - Pemilik dan manajer Dan perwakilan perusahaan dan lembaga komersial).
5. Biaya visa harus dibayar.
6. Masa berlaku paspor tidak boleh kurang dari enam bulan sejak pengajuan permohonan.
7. Visa turis berlaku untuk masuk ke Kuwait selama satu bulan sejak tanggal penerbitannya.
8. Visa masuk turis memperbolehkan pemegangnya untuk masuk sementara selama kurang lebih tiga bulan sejak tanggal masuk, dan ia harus keluar sebelum jangka waktu tersebut berakhir. Pemegang visa dilarang bekerja di dalam negeri, dan jika terjadi pelanggaran, ia akan bertanggung jawab.
9. Siapapun yang tidak meninggalkan negaranya tepat waktu akan dihukum secara finansial dan hukum.
If you want to work in the U.S. temporarily as a nonimmigrant, under U.S. immigration law, you need a specific visa based on the type of work you will be doing. Most temporary worker categories require that your prospective employer or agent file a petition, which must be approved by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) in the United States before you can apply for a work visa.
All applicants for H, L, O, P and Q visas must have a petition approved on their behalf by USCIS. The petition, Form I-129, must be approved before you can apply for a work visa at the U.S. Embassy. When your petition is approved, your employer or agent will receive a Notice of Action, Form I-797, which serves as your petition's approval notification. The consular officer will verify your petition approval through the Department of State's Petition Information Management Service (PIMS) during your interview.
You must bring your I-129 petition receipt number to your interview at the U.S. Embassy in order to verify your petition's approval. Please note that approval of a petition does not guarantee issuance of a visa if you are found to be ineligible for a visa under U.S. immigration law.
An H-1B visa is required if you are coming to the United States to perform services in a pre-arranged professional job. To qualify, you must hold a bachelor's or higher degree (or an equivalent degree) in the specific specialty for which you seek employment. USCIS will determine whether your employment constitutes a specialty occupation and whether you are qualified to perform the services. Your employer is required file a labor condition application with the Department of Labor concerning the terms and conditions of its contract of employment with you.
H-1B1 (Treaty-based Temporary Work Visas)
Free trade agreements signed with Chile and Singapore permit qualified Chilean and Singaporean citizens to temporarily work in the United States in certain circumstances. Only Chilean and Singaporean citizens are eligible as principal applicants, although their spouses and children may be nationals of other countries.
Applicants for H-1B1 visas should already have a job offer from an employer in their chosen work area in the United States, but the employer does not have to file Form I-129, Petition for Nonimmigrant Worker, and the applicant does not need to obtain a Notice of Approval, Form I-797 form before submitting the visa application. However, the petitioner does need to file an Application for Foreign Labor Certification with the Department of Labor prior to applying for the visa. For more information on the H-1B1 visa, please visit travel.state.gov/content/visas/en/employment/temporary.html
An H-2A visa allows U.S. employers to bring foreign nationals to the United States to fill temporary agricultural jobs for which U.S. workers are not available. An H-2A nonimmigrant classification applies to you if you seek to perform agricultural labor or services of a temporary or seasonal nature in the United States on a temporary basis. A U.S. employer (or an association of U.S. agricultural producers named as a joint employer) must file a Form I-129, Petition for Nonimmigrant Worker, on your behalf.
This visa is required if you are coming to the United States to perform a job which is temporary or seasonal in nature and for which there is a shortage of U.S. workers. Your employer is required to obtain a Department of Labor certification confirming that there are no qualified U.S. workers eligible for the type of employment on which your petition is based.
An H-3 visa is required if you are coming to the United States to receive training from an employer in any field of endeavor, other than graduate education or training, for a period of up to two years. You can be paid for your training and "hands-on" work is authorized. Training cannot be used to provide productive employment and cannot be available in your home country.
If you are the principal holder of a valid H visa, your spouse or unmarried children (under age 21) may receive an H-4 visa to accompany you to the United States. However, your spouse/children are not permitted to work while in the United States.
An L-1 visa is required if you are the employee of an international company which is temporarily transferring you to a parent branch, affiliate, or subsidiary of the same company in the United States. The international company may be either a U.S. or foreign organization. To qualify for an L-1 visa, you must be at the managerial or executive level, or have specialized knowledge and be destined to a position within the U.S. company at either of these levels, although not necessarily in the same position as held previously. In addition, you must have been employed outside the United States with the international company continuously for one year within the three years preceding your application for admission into the United States. You may only apply for an L-1 visa after your U.S. company or affiliate has received an approved petition from USCIS, either on a "blanket" or individual basis.
If you are the principal holder of a valid L visa, your spouse or unmarried children (under age 21) may receive this derivative visa. Due to a recent change in the law, your spouse may seek employment authorization. Your spouse must enter the United States on his or her own L-2 visa and then submit a completed Form I-765 (obtainable from USCIS), along with an application fee. Your children are not authorized to work in the United States.
Type O visas are issued to people with extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business and athletics, or extraordinary achievement in motion picture and television production, and their essential support personnel.
Type P visas are issued to certain athletes, entertainers, artists and essential support personnel who are coming to perform in the United States.
A Q visa is required if you are traveling to the United States to participate in an international cultural exchange program for the purpose of providing practical training, employment, and the sharing of the history, culture, and traditions of your home country. You must have a petition filed on your behalf by the program sponsor and the petition must be approved by USCIS.
The U.S. Embassy or may process your H, L, O, P or Q visa application up to 90 days prior to the beginning of employment status as noted on your I-797. However, when making your travel plans, please note that due to Federal regulations, you can only use the visa to apply for entry to the United States starting ten days prior to the beginning of the approved status period noted on your I-797.
If you apply for an H, L, O, P, or Q visa, you must submit the following:
In addition to these items, you must present an interview appointment letter confirming that you booked an appointment through this service. You may also bring whatever supporting documents you believe support the information provided to the consular officer. Paper copies of the I-797 are not required at the interview.
Complete the Nonimmigrant Visa Electronic Application (DS-160) form.
Pay the visa application fee.
Schedule your appointment on this web page. You need three pieces of information in order to schedule your appointment:
Visit the U.S. Embassy on the date and time of your visa interview. You must bring a printed copy of your appointment letter, your DS-160 confirmation page, one photograph taken within the last six months and your current and all old passports. Applications without all of these items will not be accepted.
In addition to these items, you must present an interview appointment letter confirming that you booked an appointment through this service. You may also bring whatever supporting documents you believe support the information provided to the consular officer.
Caution: Do not present false documents. Fraud or misrepresentation can result in permanent visa ineligibility. If confidentiality is a concern, you should bring your documents to the U.S. Embassy in a sealed envelope. The U.S. Embassy will not make your information available to anyone and will respect the confidentiality of your information.
Consular officers look at each application individually and consider professional, social, cultural and other factors during adjudication. Consular officers may look at your specific intentions, family situation, and your long-range plans and prospects within your country of residence. Each case is examined individually and is accorded every consideration under the law.
If you are a first time visa applicant, you may save time by bringing the following documents to your interview:
Your dependents should bring all required documents for any nonimmigrant visa, plus:
For more information about H, L, O, P and, Q visas, visit the Department of State's Temporary Workers webpage.
Visa applicants, including children, are required to pay a non-refundable, non-transferable visa application fee, sometimes referred to as the MRV fee, before applying for a nonimmigrant visa. The visa application fee must be paid whether a visa is issued or not. The type of visa for which you apply determines the fee amount. Depending on your citizenship and the type of visa you are applying for, you may also have to pay a visa issuance or “reciprocity” fee. This webpage lists visa application fees associated with each nonimmigrant visa type.
Please note that only the application fees for nonimmigrant visas are listed here.
Although fees are listed in U.S. dollars, payment must be made using local currency. You can pay your fee at any Burgan Bank location. More information about payment options is here. To find a Burgan Bank branch, click here.
Your visa application fee is non-refundable and you cannot transfer it to another person. You will receive a receipt after paying the application fee.All nonimmigrant visa application fee (also known as the MRV fee) payments made on or after October 1, 2022, are valid for 365 days from the date a receipt is issued for payment of the MRV fee. Applicants must schedule an interview appointment or submit an interview waiver application during this 365-day period. Please note applicants must only schedule their interview or submit their waiver application within the 365-day period. There is no requirement the interview must occur during the 365-day period. All receipts for payment of MRV fees issued before October 1, 2022, were extended until September 30, 2023, and remain valid until this date.
In some cases, additional visa fees are paid directly to the National Visa Center, to the U.S. Embassy or to the Department of Homeland Security.
Applicants from certain countries may be required to pay a visa issuance fee after their application is approved. These fees are based on "reciprocity" (what another country charges a U.S. citizen for a similar-type of visa). The United States strives to eliminate visa issuance fees whenever possible, however, when a foreign government imposes these fees on U.S. citizens for certain types of visas, the United States will impose a "reciprocal" fee on citizens of that country for similar types of visas. The Department of State's website has more information about visa issuance fees and can help you determine if an issuance fee applies to your nationality.
The Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) is an Internet-based system that tracks F, M, and J visa participants (and their family members) from the time they receive their initial documentation (either an I-20 or a DS-2019) until they graduate/leave school or conclude/leave program.
F, M and J visa principal applicants: Check with your U.S. school to make sure your information has been entered into SEVIS. You will need to pay a separate SEVIS fee in addition to the visa application fee. For nonimmigrant students with Form I-20, the SEVIS fee is US$350. DHS will maintain the $35 I-901 SEVIS Fee for J exchange visitors in the au pair, camp counselor, and summer work travel program participant categories, but the full I-901 SEVIS Fee for other J exchange visitors is now $220.. Proof of payment is required before your student or exchange visitor visa will be issued. Payment cannot be made at the U.S. Embassy. Instructions for paying the SEVIS fee can be found here.
Applicants participating in a U.S. Government sponsored program (programs whose codes begin with G-1, G-2, G-3, G-7) are not required to pay the SEVIS fee.
Blanket L Fee (Fraud Prevention and Detection Fee)First-time principal applicants who are covered under a blanket petition for L status must pay a Fraud Prevention and Detection fee of US $500. This fee should be paid to the cashier at the Consular Section on the day of the interview. If a subsequent L-1 visa application is based on a new Form I-129S, the Fraud Prevention and Detection fee must be collected again.
Work Permit/Employment Visa
The eligible persons of this category of visa are:
A. Online application ( Online MRV Application Form )
B. Manual application (MRV Application Form )
Requirements for both online and manual applications
Duration of Work Permit / Employment Visa
A work permit/employment visa may be issued for maximum three (03) months with single, double or multiple entries. Duration of stay in this category is maximum 90 days in each visit. Extension up to three (03) years could be obtained from Department of Immigration and Passport (DIP) in Bangladesh. Please note that the validity of the visa begins from the date of issue and not from the date of travel on your application form
Once the Bangladesh visa has been granted, then a printed copy of visa sticker will be attached on an entire page in your passport. Please check the details carefully for any spelling mistakes and or validity etc
If you’ve chosen to expand to Kuwait, you have two options for hiring — tap into the local labor market or find talented foreign employees. If you go the second route, you must ensure that every foreign worker has the right visas and work permits in Kuwait. Companies just entering the market in Kuwait can also have trouble sponsoring work permits for employees, as they must be locally licensed and incorporated to do so.
Requirements to Obtain Kuwait Work Visas
Most of your employees will need to obtain a residency visa before working for your company. This type of visa requires an employment offer from a private company or government organization. As the employer, you will then apply for the work permit or visa on behalf of your employees.
Required documents for a work visa include:
After submitting these documents, your employee will receive a “No Objection Certificate” (NOC) that allows them to enter Kuwait. Once they come to Kuwait, they’ll receive a residency visa. After that, your employee can apply for a Kuwait Civil ID within 30 days of receiving the residency visa.
Kuwait’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs will send a copy of the work permit to the Kuwait embassy in the employee’s country of residency. You should also send the employee a copy of their own work permit to take to the embassy in-person if necessary. If your employees live in a country without a Kuwait embassy, you must submit the work permit and NOC to the Ministry of Interior.
Types of Work Visas in Kuwait
Kuwait offers several different types of visas that depend on the visitor’s entry requirements, length of stay, and trip purpose. The available options include:
Melengkapi formulir aplikasi Visa Kuwait Untuk Indonesia
Setelah memilih jenis visa yang sesuai. Maka berikut adalah langkah-langkah untuk melengkapi formulir aplikasi visa:
Kamu dapat mengunduh formulir aplikasi visa dari situs web Kedutaan Besar Kuwait atau dari situs web agen visa yang sah.
Isi formulir aplikasi visa dengan benar dan jelas.
Pastikan untuk memberikan informasi yang akurat dan lengkap.
Jangan lupa untuk menandatangani formulir aplikasi visa.
Lampirkan dokumen yang di perlukan sesuai dengan jenis visa yang kamu pilih.
Pastikan dokumen yang kamu lampirkan sesuai dengan persyaratan dokumen yang sudah di sebutkan.
Kemudian, paspor yang masih berlaku dengan masa berlaku minimal enam bulan terhitung sejak tanggal kedatangan di Kuwait.
Dan juga, paspor harus memiliki setidaknya dua halaman kosong untuk cap visa.
Satu lembar foto paspor berwarna dengan latar belakang putih.
Ukuran foto harus 3,5 cm x 4,5 cm.
Jika kamu mendapat undangan dari sponsor di Kuwait, pastikan untuk memperoleh surat undangan yang sah dan lengkap.
Jika kamu tidak memiliki undangan, pastikan kamu memiliki bukti reservasi hotel atau tiket pesawat.
Setiap jenis visa memiliki biaya aplikasi visa yang berbeda-beda.
Pastikan untuk melunasi biaya aplikasi visa sesuai dengan jenis visa yang kamu pilih.
Setelah semua dokumen dan biaya telah terpenuhi, kirimkan aplikasi visa dan dokumen yang di butuhkan ke Kedutaan Besar Kuwait atau agen visa yang sah.
Pastikan untuk memperhatikan setiap detail pada formulir aplikasi visa dan dokumen yang kamu lampirkan untuk menghindari kesalahan yang dapat menghambat proses aplikasi visa.
Reservasi hotel atau surat undangan dari sponsor di Kuwait.
Tiket pesawat pulang-pergi atau itinerer perjalanan yang sudah di pesan.
Kamu perlu melampirkan bukti keuangan yang menunjukkan bahwa kamu memiliki dana yang cukup untuk menanggung biaya hidup selama di Kuwait.
Bukti keuangan bisa berupa laporan bank, rekening koran, atau slip gaji.
Pastikan dokumen yang di lampirkan telah dipenuhi semua persyaratan yang sudah di tetapkan oleh pihak Kedutaan Besar Kuwait atau agen visa yang sah. Jangan lupa untuk membawa dokumen asli saat mengajukan aplikasi visa, karena petugas konsuler mungkin akan memeriksanya untuk memverifikasi informasi yang kamu berikan.
Requirements to Obtain Kuwait Work Visas
Most of your employees will need to obtain a residency visa before working for your company. This type of visa requires an employment offer from a private company or government organization. As the employer, you will then apply for the work permit or visa on behalf of your employees.
Required documents for a work visa include:
After submitting these documents, your employee will receive a “No Objection Certificate” (NOC) that allows them to enter Kuwait. Once they come to Kuwait, they’ll receive a residency visa. After that, your employee can apply for a Kuwait Civil ID within 30 days of receiving the residency visa.
Kuwait’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs will send a copy of the work permit to the Kuwait embassy in the employee’s country of residency. You should also send the employee a copy of their own work permit to take to the embassy in-person if necessary. If your employees live in a country without a Kuwait embassy, you must submit the work permit and NOC to the Ministry of Interior.